I realize that in the great scheme of things I really don't have problems. Death, destruction, war, unemployment, homelessness are problems.
Still it's hard not take it a tad personally when in the space of an afternoon I find out that my back addition roof is completely rotted. Stripping off the old shingles led to realization that the only thing holding said shingles up was, apparently, habit.
Okay, fine, we can deal with that. We'll (by 'we' I mean Mr. Wonderful and his faithful friend Brett) will repair the joists, replace the wood and all will be well.
Just hours later I find that we have now water. At all. Apparently our pump has died? I'm always so ANNOYED by things that go kaput without warning.
On the plus side I had already taken my shower mid-morning. On the minus side - I had not yet set the coffee maker for morning.